Name: Mick (the host)

Skin Name: ggmale2skinsmick

Model Name used for skin: ggmale2 (model umod download neeeded)
The model can be found at:

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes (on request if your really want a skin of me!)
The skin can requested from...
Email address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details.....
Well this is me! (well almost - wish I really had the same build).
This skin was made purely from Digital Photos, cut and pasted - quite easy to do.
Has all four team colours by changing colour of jeans only  ( not sure if i am happy with that - hmmm)

If I can do it, then anyone can - get those skins on this Gallery!!!!!

Name: The Punisher (created by oldSalty)

Skin Name: Commando_punisher

Model Name used for skin: Commando Male (Standard UT - no extra model needed)

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded from:
Web address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details: Created from Punisher: War Journal #1. Face is taken from a picture done by Jim Lee (when jim lee was a good arist, this is before the truly lame WILDcats.) the skull had to be done by me, cause there was no good frontal of the big pun's skull. I've seen other versions of punisher, but they where too bulky and gimmicky, and would go against the vision of punisher and the war journal series. Coming up next, Silver Sable.

Name: Silver Sable (from Silver Sable & The Wild Pack #4) (created by oldSalty)

Skin Name:FCommandoSkins_SilverSable

Model Name used for skin: Commando Female (Standard UT - no extra model needed)

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded  from...
Web address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details (how it was made etc.)
The cover of Silver Sable #4, was used to make her face. and a totally redrawn body. What should i do next? Deathstroke the Terminator or Iron Man?

Adobe Photoshop ImageName: Hyperbat (created by Steve Wallrabenstein)

Skin Name:TSkMSkins_Hyperbat

Model Name used for skin:Skaarj (Standard UT - no extra model needed)

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded  from...
Web address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details (how it was made etc.)
This is my first attempt at a skin. I think it turned out pretty good> I'm a big Batman fan, and am working on a Robin skin at the moment.

Name: HyperRobin (created by Steve Wallrabenstein)

Skin Name:CommandoSkins_Robin

Model Name used for skin: Commando Male (Standard UT - no extra model needed)

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded  from...
Web address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details (how it was made etc.)
Here's HyperBat's Partner HyperRobin. He came out pretty good.

Name: BatGirl (created by Steve Wallrabenstein)

Skin Name: Conniskins_Batgirl

Model Name used for skin: Conni (model umod download neeeded)
The model can be found at:

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded  from...
Web address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details (how it was made etc.)
It's my second attempt at a skin. Most of the credit for this goes to the guys that created, and converted this model. Hope everyone enjoys this skin, and once again thanks to Vebjorn Strommen, and Husch for providing me with the platform to make this skin

Name: Morpheus (created by Steve Wallrabenstein)

Skin Name: JCDentonskins_Morpheus

Model Name used for skin: JCDenton (model umod download neeeded)
The model can be found at:

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded  from...
Web address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details (how it was made etc.)
This is a morpheus skin for all the Matrix fans. It is based on the JC Denton Model. You need to have the JCDenton model installed to run this skin. A big thanks to Greg Miller for designing this killer model, it makes a perfect base for a Morpheus skin.

Name: X-Factor Soldier ( Created by John Shortreed )

Skin Name: X-Factor Soldier Skin

Model Name used for skin: Male Soldier (Standard UT - no extra model needed)

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded from
Web address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Name: The View Crew (created by oldSalty)

Skin Name:SGirlSkins_theview

Model Name used for skin: Soldier Female (Standard UT - no extra model needed)

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded from...
Web address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details (how it was made etc.)
"I had this idea for a skin... Five different women, each with a point of view..." I went to The View website, not many good pictures of my favorate girls. I did the best i could with what was there, but i do love that Meredith Vieira... oh yeah. I wonder if these skins could get me interviewed on 'The View?'

Name: [Str8]BashFul

Skin Name:BashCyborg ( created by Curt C )

Model Name used for skin: Soldier Male (Standard UT - no extra model needed)

Is the Skin Available for download: Yes
The skin can be downloaded from...
Web address:http//
Email Address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details (how it was made etc.)
Basically this was the first skin I ever made.I made it using
standard war machine textures and some from UTWF skins. Plus as you can see I
added our clan name, plus the logo is emblazened on the back. Pretty basic it
also has red and blue team colors since thats about all we use. Like the man says
"if I can do it anyone can"! LOL After about 30 minutes of installing ut skinmaker
this is what I came up with.

Name: André"ezE-orB"Broeze

Skin Name:  ->XtremeBoogieOrb(xBo)

Model Name used for skin: Boss (Standard UT - no extra model needed)

Is the Skin Available for download: No (not yet?) DRop me a line and i will send it!
The skin can be requested from...
Email address:

Line needed in Unrealtournament.ini

Other details (how it was made etc.)
psp and photoshop and ofcourse skin maker2.4.1
i have the newer version but it tends to drop out
every.time i delete a texture!